America Wants Legal Immigrants | 5 Minute Videos | PragerU

Is there a more economical way to deal with legal immigration?…

Is This The Biggest Liberal Self-Own?

Have you heard of the 4b movement? @aldobuttazzoni …

Rosie O’Donnell Doesn’t Understand THIS

She should really watch our video on The Electoral College. …

Joe Rogan Uncovers Truth About XY Boxer Imane Khelif. Link in bio.

Sign our petition to #SaveWomensSports at link in bio. …

Would You Rather with Michael Knowles 😂

What would you choose?

The American Military: A Video Marathon | Marathons

What happened in Vietnam? Why did we fight in Korea? Was…

California Should Prioritize Veterans Over Illegal Immigrants

Why would California do this?

Does California Spend More on Veterans or Illegal Immigrants? | Man on The Street | PragerU

What does Veterans Day mean to everyday Americans? California…

REACTIONS: What Does Veteran’s Day Mean To You?

A big thank you to all Veteran's who served our great country. @aldobuttazzoni …

Douglas Murray & Dennis Prager on Fighting Evil. Watch now at link in bio.

Watch the full video exclusively on the FREE PragerU app…