The RISE of Toxic Feminism
Ashira Solomon tells @XAVIAERD the sad reality behind modern…

REACTIONS: Should We Get Rid of I.C.E.?
Do any of these answers surprise you?

Bisexual Kids Books?!
Sign the petition to #ProtectChildrensInnocence at link…

REACTIONS: Would People Be Willing to House Illegal Immigrants?
@aldobuttazzoni asked people if they would be comfortable…

Why would a parent allow their child to go through this?

Is It Dangerous for a Government to Control What It Considers “Misinformation” Online? | PragerU
Dennis reacts to the headline “Most Americans Favor Restrictions…

Canadian PM Trudeau Promotes Universal Healthcare; Here Are The Facts
Canadian PM Justin Trudeau promoted universal healthcare…

This is How Easy it is to DEBUNK Gender Ideology
@XAVIAERD has a point 😂