Are Micro Compacts really WORTH it? Pistol vs. Rifle Caliber for HOME DEFENSE?
Live Stream with Kaya - 2AAsk me Anything!

Tim Montana Goes Hillbilly Rich & Shoots $50,000 Of Guns!!!
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M2 vs M4 (Which Semi-Auto Shotgun Is Best?)
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Vigilance, Preparedness, Fitness, and Other Things to Consider When Carrying
In tonights livestream, let's discuss things to consider…

Top 5 Pistols Of 2023
0:00 Intro
1:50 Sig Saurer XFive Legion
6:09 Stealth Arms…

LPVO vs ACOG vs Red Dot + Magnifier
0:00 Intro
2:15 Eotech EXPS3-0 & Magnifiers
4:30 Trijicon…

Rifle and Pistol Drills/Ask Me Anything with Clint
Discuss different drills to perform at your next range…

The B&T APC308 vs FN SCAR 17S (The Swiss SCAR?)
0:00 Intro
1:00 Initial Thoughts Comparison
7:30 Initial…

Bust Your Builds | Ep.1 (Rating Your AR-15 Loadouts)
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Is The AK-12 As Great As Russia Claims It Is?
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