How We Made the T.REX Conference Table

Somehow Isaac had enough time to carve a dinosaur fossil…

TREX TALK: New Products and New Media

The Weekly T.Rex Livestream is back! And a bunch of stuff…

How to Train When There is No Ammo

Lucas Botkin explains how to become a boss at shooting...…

T.REX TALK: Holster Setup and Use

How the various T.Rex Arms holsters can be set up and adjusted,…

T.REX TALK: American Independence

A discussion on the main lessons from the War for American…

Move, Shoot, and Communicate with ATAK (and alternatives)

ATAK is the Android Tactical Assault Kit, a smartphone…

T.REX TALK: How We Set Up Rifles

There are a lot of way to configure modern rifles to do…

T.REX TALK: Father’s Day Conversation

A discussion on the best lessons our Dad has taught us,…

T.REX TALK: Gun Laws and Weapon Systems

Lucas and Isaac talk about weapon systems: in general,…

How to Shoot a Pistol in 10 Minutes

Lucas Botkin covers how to shoot a pistol in 10 minutes…