Is The New Springfield Prodigy DS Worth It?
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CMMG Invited Us To Their 20th Anniversary PARTY
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Zeroing the Zero Compromise Optic – #sniper101
Continuing our precision rifle load out with KRG, ZCO,…

Manufacturer Review: CAA
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How To Mount A Weapon Light On Your Rifle
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Who Can Shoot The Best In A Game Of HORSE? (Feat. Kaya)
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Which 2 Piece Shooter Belt Do I Get?
Lucas Botkin goes over several two-piece belts on the market…

What Does This Mean For Your Pistol?
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MP5 Bloopers #shorts #mybloopers
HK slap fail... in case you missed it from the last video:…

Should You Pin & Weld Your Muzzle Device?
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