The Top 5 MP5 Upgrades

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How to know when your gun is cool (and hot) – Caveman Flare! (and Spark)

Digging the Flare and Spark by @Caveman Perfect to make…

[Contest| Win The FN SCAR 17S Battle Rifle

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Is The Leaked Glock AR-15 Real?!

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How to win at paintball #shorts

Follow me for more paintball and airsoft hacks. More info…

Has The Sig P365 Macro Changed The Carry World?

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The Top 5 AK-47 Upgrades

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What Is The Effective Range Of 7.62×39?

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Thermocromatic “mood ring” for your firearm Caveman Flare (teaser) #shorts

This thing is neat! Stay tuned for full video! @Caveman…

How Much Does Barrel Length Affect 7.62×39 Velocity?

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