Glock 19 vs M&P 2.0 vs Sig P320
Between three of the most popular concealed carry handgun…

.45ACP 1911 vs 10mm 1911 (Whats The Real Difference?)
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How to Professionally Mount Your Scope – Episode 4 #sniper101
We continue our #sniepr101 series with KRG and Zero Compromise…

AK-47 Training With Clint Smith At Thunder Ranch (Day 2)
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Should .300BLK Be Used Outside Of Home Defense?
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The Best AR-15 Pistol For Women
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The Top 5 AR-15 M-LOK Rails
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AK-47 Training From Clint Smith At Thunder Ranch
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Torching a Loaded Gun!
Don't try this at home... But if your home caught fire…

[Contest] Win The Sig Sauer MCX Rattler
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