Full Auto Beltfed .22LR #shorts

Yes it's real. Yes it's awesome. More info on my blog:…

Concealed Carry Loadout Ep.3 | Realistic Pistol Training

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Police Trade-In Beretta 92S Unboxing

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Bufferless AR! New CMMG Dissent

Look ma! No buffer tube! The new @CMMG Dissent AR Find…

Manufacturer Review: Red Arrow Weapons

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How To Shoot Inside & Around A Vehicle

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Why Is The AR-15 America's Rifle?

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Concealed Carry Loadout Ep.2 | Who's Setup Shoots The Best?

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What Infantryman Gear should Civilians Own?

We brought in the guys from Redbeard Tactical to discuss…

The FM556 Side Charging DI AR-15 Uppers Are Amazing!

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