A Side-Folding & Side-Charging AR-15?!
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How To Install An AR-15 Muzzle Device The Right Way
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What Is The Effective Range Of 5.56?
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5 Mistakes To Avoid When Buying A Gun For Home Defense
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The NGSW Has Been Chosen
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Would you trust Chinese Body Armor??
Testing out the Level 3 Armor from TacticalXmen: https://shrsl.com/3gohm…

Police Trade-In Sig P226 Unboxing
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[Contest] Win The Sig MCX Virtus & Vortex Razor HD 1-10x LPVO
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How Much Does Barrel Length Affect .300 Blackout Bullet Velocity?
NOTE: At 10:47 - the LWRCI DI rifle is NOT suppressed.

Manufacturer Review: Holosun
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