Highly Anticipated Swiss Surplus Has Arrived
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Top 5 Semi-Auto Sniper Systems (SASS)
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Manufacturer Review: Polymer80
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Glock 19 Aimpoint ACRO P-2 "Wallhack" Drills
Lucas runs through some training he's been doing to improve…

What Are Barrel Harmonics And How Does It Affect Accuracy?
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M203 40mm Grenade Launcher Fun!
More fun with @Ordnance Lab as we get to try out a real…

Pistol Builds Ep.6 | Shooting Our Pistols At Night
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[Contest] Win The 6.5 Creedmoor FN SCAR 20S Precision Rifle
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Top 5 New Products From SHOT Show 2022 (Non-Guns)
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The Best Guns Of SHOT Show 2022 (Top 5 Fight)
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