AR Builds Ep.1 | $4400 vs $1400 vs $700

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PVS-14 First Person View – 40 Round Shooting Standard

Lucas Botkin runs a shooting standard in development at…

Crazy Flat Shooting AR-15 Muzzle Brake – TALON M-905!

Testing out the effectiveness of the US Arms CO Talon M-905…

[Contest] Win The Home Defense H&K SP5 Pistol Loadout

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T.REX TALK – Light/Dark Technical Q&A

Isaac continues low-light October with a more technical…

The Iron Horse Thumb Trigger AR-15

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Block II M4 vs URGI M4

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Top 5 Ambidextrous AR-15s

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Manufacturer Review: Swampfox

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What Are The Advantages Of Piston Guns And Why Should You Own One

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