Top 5 Guns From The Matrix Resurrections Trailer

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Crimson Trace RAD Optics at Gunsite

The new CT RAD optics are, well, rad. Aimcam Glasses were…

[Contest] Win The POF P415 Rifle + Swampfox Loadout

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T.REX TALK – Rifle Loadouts Under $3,000

Lucas talks about various rifle upgrades and loadouts.…

6.5 Creedmoor AR-10 vs .308 AR-10

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Best Home Defense Guns For Women

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Top 5 6.5 Creedmoor Guns

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The 5 Best Mapping Tools

Thanks to smartphones and Google maps, we're all navigation…

Manufacturer Review CheyTac USA

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Top 5 Things Not To Do To Your Glock

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