The Best AR-10s (Top 5 Fight)

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Full Auto Glock! #topshottreeservice

This full auto Glock has to have the fastest cyclic rate…

How To Train Rifle Reloads – Stop Doing 1R1s

Lucas covers a drill that creates various training scars…

[Contest] Win The 6.5 Creedmoor CheyTac CT10 Rifle

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T.REX TALK – Flash Light Night Vision Q&A – Low Light October

It's Low-Light October (not to be confused with No-Light…

What Are Different Types Of Bullets Used For?

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What Does Ammo Grain Weight Mean And Why Does It Matter?

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Top 5 Guns Chambered In .308

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Manufacturer Review: Trijicon

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What Is The Perfect Battle Rifle?

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