Did The US Military Pick The Wrong SMG? (APC 9K)

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What Is The Best Concealed Carry Gun For Women?

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Variable Distance/Position DMR Drill – Remington RSASS

Lucas shows a drill he's been doing with his Remington…

How many holsters does it take to stop a bullet?

Inquiring minds wanted to know! Get up to 40% off with…

[Contest] Win The LWRC SMG-45 Pistol & Vortex UH-1

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TREX TALK: OpSec and Persec Privacy and Security

Isaac Botkin fields questions on Operational Security and…

The Evolution Of The AK-47

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Brass Ammo vs Steel Ammo

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The Top 5 Home Defense Guns (Part 2)

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Manufacturer Review: EOTech

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