Taking the AK to 100 Meters #chestrig #trexarms

Clip from upcoming video where Lucas shoots a 100 meter…

Hitman Hack

Not your grandad's 10/22 https://youtu.be/ejIKYFPScEs …

How to Shoot Like a Sniper #sniper101 Episode 8

Continuing our KRG Rifle series with Fundamentals of Long…

3 Rifles – 3 Chest Rig Configurations #trexarms #quadflap #chestrig

Lucas, Brandon, and Garret shooting the FAL, MP5, and AK…

How To Properly Shoot From A Tripod

Looking for a product featured in this video? YouTube prevents…

The Sig Spear 5.56 LT

Looking for a product featured in this video? YouTube prevents…

The T.REX ARMS Chest Rig Is Here

After years in development, the T.REX ARMS Chest Rig has…

Not your grandad’s 10/22

Check out the Trek-22 bullpup setup to make your Ruger…