The Incredible Henry Big Boy Lever Action & Revolver

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Which Gun Is Faster?

Lucas shoots a drill with the PSA Sabre and the MP5SD to…


15% off Infinity Targets with code TOPSHOT15 rated…

Check Out the T.REX Drills

Excerpt from one of the T.REX ARMS Drills videos on the…

Memorial Day Live Stream with Clint

Chatting with Clint

The NEW Huxwrx Flow762 Ti

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Self Defense with Wasp Spray

learn more about the can cannon:…

9mm vs 10mm (Can 1mm Change That Much?)

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Reviewing John Wick’s Glock Trigger (Timney Alpha)

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How big of a tree to stop a 308? Cover VS Concealment

How big does a tree need to be to stop a .308 Winchester…