Do You Carry Distracts?

Brandon from T&E runs a drill in the boxes utilizing…

Springfield Hellcat vs Hellcat Pro

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Top 5 Rifles From NRA Show 2023

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If CZ and Sig had a love child in Turkey…

The SAR K2 45 - 14 rounds of 230 grain 45ACP is .46 pounds…

Top 5 Pistols Of NRA Show 2023

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Top Shot Tree Service K2 45 Reliability Test

Only one type of reliability test on this channel... Full…

M14 vs M16 | Which Is Better?

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Who Is Faster With The M4A1?

Lucas and Brandon from T.REX T&E shoot a course of…

Giggle Switch Activated – Marksman Camp

Full auto experience is just a small part of youth Marksmanship…

Can You Shoot While Moving Into Position?

Lucas demonstrates the "Bar Hop" drill which helps train…