What Is The Effective Range Of .22LR?

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What Does Match Grade Mean?

There seems to be some debate on Social Media about what…

Are Rights Given Or Preserved?

Isaac gives a quick insight into how the Second Amendment…

Why Did The US Army Abandon The ACR Program?

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Do NOT Shoot steel this close! 😲

15% off Infinity Self-Healing Rubber Targets with code…

Is The AR-15 Really Direct Impingement?

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Peak Social Media Shooting Performance

Lucas demonstrates how to be a top notch Social Media shooter…

How hard is it to shoot while wearing a Gas Mask??

Get 20% off Parcil Safety Equipment with code: "topshot20"…

Why Did The M14 Win The Contract Over The AR-10? (The TRUE Story)

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Is Your Grip Tight?

Lucas gives a quick tip on how to control recoil through…