A Look Back At 2024 | Ben’s Best Moments

As the year comes to a close, it would only be right to…

My producers got me these HILARIOUS tiny boxing gloves

#benshapiro #miketyson #boxinggloves #gaggift

Lightsaber chopsticks have ENDLESS possibilities

#benshapiro #starwars #chopsticks #lightsaber

Ryan Gosling was the ONLY memorable thing about ‘Barbie’

#benshapiro #barbie #barbiemovie #ryangosling

Darren Aronofsky is the WORST director of my lifetime

#benshapiro #blackswan #worst #director

NOTHING about “Napoleon Dynamite” is worth watching

#benshapiro #napoleondynamite #notgreat

The best James Cameron could come up with was “unobtainium”?!

#benshapiro #jamescameron #avatar

Ben Shapiro’s Most OVERRATED Films

Tax Network USA - Seize control of your financial future!…

Handerpants, the strangest gift of the year

#benshapiro #underpants #gift #strange

My producers bought me some HILARIOUS gifts

#benshapiro #gift #hilarious #gaggift