Ben REACTS To Tim Walz’s CRINGIEST Moments

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Steve Ballmer’s Advice For Young Entrepreneurs

Former Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer recently joined Ben…

Leftist Thinks Kids Are Better Off Aborted Than In Foster Care?

#benshapiro #jubilee #abortion #foster

The government doesn’t know where over 300,000 migrant children are

#benshapiro #jubilee #undocumented #migrants

Can we recover our humanity in the age of AI?

#benshapiro #spencerklavan #AI #faith

Hollywood Shuts Down Actors Who Support Trump

#benshapiro #dennisquaid #trump

Why I’m Voting For Trump | Dennis Quaid

Ben Shapiro sits down with Hollywood legend Dennis Quaid…

Should the US screen for ideology?

#benshapiro #jubilee #ideology #screening

Why Science And Religion Are NOT Incompatible | Spencer Klavan

Spencer Klavan joined Ben on The Sunday Special to discuss…