Reality Check: Proof, WTC Building 7 Did Not Fall Down The Way Gov. Agency Claims

What really happened to World Trade Center Building 7 on…

If you support the “vaping ban”, you’re a…

My thoughts on the proposed vaping ban. Let me know yours…

Proof Gov Wrong About Collapse of WTC Building 7? (New Evidence 2019)

What really happened to World Trade Center Building 7 on…

CNN is Fake News | Change My Mind

Steven Crowder takes Change My Mind outside the CNN Headquarters…

Libertarian Permanently Banned From Twitter for Calling Hannity “Retarded”

Daniel McAdams of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and…

SJWs Try to Cancel Dave Chappelle! | Louder with Crowder

Steven reacts to the left's outrage over Dave Chappelle's…

Reality Check: Camera Footage of Epstein’s Cell “Unuseable”?

The latest on the Jeffrey Epstein case is that authorities…

DEBUNKED: Gun Buyback Programs! | Louder with Crowder

Steven Crowder explains why the recent Democrat calls for…

Jeffrey Epstein’s Suicide, Co-conspirators: A Deeper Look (TiM pc. 1)

Facts about Jeffrey Epstein's suspicious suicide, Epstein's…

Why Labor Day SUCKS! | Louder with Crowder

Steven Crowder explains the history of Labor Day and why…