Reality Check: Syrian Gas Attack Connected to Bigger Conflict?

Reality Check with Ben Swann: The…

Reality Check: Could 9/11 Victim Families Actually Sue Saudi Arabia?

Last week a U.S. District court judge rejected a request…

Reality Check: Why These News Anchors Are Parroting the Same Script

Reality Check: There…

Reality Check: Would Trump’s New CIA Director Reinstate Torture Program?

The next director of the CIA might be one of the most controversial…

Dash Spotlight: How to Use Dash Digital Cash

Dash Spotlight: After…

Reality Check: How Prevalent is the Global Child Sex Trade in the U.S.?

Reality Check with Ben Swann: It’s…

Reality Check: The True Meaning of the Second Amendment

It may be the most controversial right we have as U.S.…

Reality Check: Will ‘Anti Sex Trafficking’ Bill Hurt Victims?

Reality Check with Ben Swann: There's…

Reality Check: Ex CIA Director Says U.S. Meddles for a ‘Good Cause’

Reality Check with Ben Swann: Ex-CIA…

Reality Check: Mass Shootings & Psychiatric Drugs

Reality Check with Ben Swann: When…