Truth in Media: Big Pharma Manipulates Physicians and Corrupts “Best Practices”
Truth in Media: How Big Pharma Manipulates Physicians and…

Truth in Media: Understanding Big Pharma’s Propaganda Machine
Part 2 of 4... please watch the rest of this series at…

Truth in Media: The Revolving Door Between The FDA and Big Pharma
Episode 1 of 4 in our Truth in Media series on Big Pharma

Truth in Media: What the Media Didn’t Tell You About Syria
This is a re-upload of a Truth in Media story Ben Swann…

National Host Mike Church Received a Flood of Threats for Promoting Peace
National talk show host Mike Church sits down with Kurt…

Ron Paul Talks Media Bias, Rand’s Foreign Policy
In this exclusive episode, Truth In Media's Joshua Cook…

Help Us Create Global Activist
Hey guys, I need your help to spread the word about a new…

The Magnificent Obsession of Ron Paul
Ron Paul joins Kurt Wallace to discuss his new book Swords…

Reality Check Ben Swann: Paul Brown Stadium Financing
Ben Swann explores the horrible stadium financing deal…

Ben Swann Featured on HBOs Last Week Tonight With John Oliver Low
Ben Swann Reality Check used to drive home point about…