Joy Reid’s advice to White Progressives…
#benshapiro #joyreid #progressives

Democrats FURIOUS Over Trump Pick Pete Hegseth For SecDef, Media Push DISGUSTING Lies About Veteran
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The Democratic throne has no heir
#benshapiro #democrats #heir

Women Romanticize LACING Men’s Drinks
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Are the sandworms from Dune trying to eat you, Biden?
#benshapiro #biden #dune #sand #slipping

Trump’s HISTORIC Vote Count
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Trump Is Securing Our Borders
International Fellowship of Christians and Jews - To give…

Kristi Noem will SOLIDIFY our southern border
#benshapiro #kristinoem #border #deportation

Kill Tony REFUSES To Apologize Over Puerto Rico Joke, Woke Media ANGRY Trump WON Record Latino Vote
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