Narrow Escape! Police Officer Has Close Call Escaping from Forest Blaze

Footage from last Friday shows a police officer narrowly…

Buy You a Round? Vance Buys Everyone in Michigan Restaurant Root Beer Floats

Footage from an A&W restaurant in Grand Rapids shows…

Vermin Supreme Outlines The Details of His Pony Distribution System

YOU get a pony! YOU get a pony! Speaking last Thursday…

Splat the Town Red! Annual Tomato Throw in Spain Turns Town Red

SPLAT! The annual tomato throw in Bonul, Spain, occurred…

Bumbling Bandit! Raccoon Hilariously Tumbles to the Floor After Climbing on Oven Door

Bumbling bandit! Footage filmed by Katie Hyatt in Jacksonville,…

JD Vance to His Mother on Campaign Trail — “No More Pokemon Cards!”

"The kids have got enough," exclaimed JD Vance during a…

Trump Releases Video Commemorating 3-Year Anniversary of Afghanistan Attack & Shredding Kamala

Donald Trump released a video on Monday commemorating the…

They Don’t Have a Monopoly on the Black Vote

Tyrone Muhammad of Ex-Cons 4 Trump explains why black Americans…

Ponies, Zombies, & Mandatory Toothbrushing? Presidential Candidate Vermin Supreme’s Policies

A pony redistribution system, zombie preparedness, and…

“Stay Away from the Window!” Cat Watches Garbage Cans Fly Down Street in Monsoon

Footage from Phoenix last Thursday shows a cat perched…