Mount Etna Volcano in Italy Erupts, Turns the Sky Red

Mount Etna erupted on Sunday night in Italy, lighting up…

LOL! John Fetterman Waves Israeli Flag While Walking by Pro-Palestinian Protesters Being Arrested

Credit where credit is due: John Fetterman trolled pro-Palestinian…

VETERAN FOR THE WIN! — Veteran STOPS Felon From Carjacking Pregnant Woman’s Car

Veteran for the Win (VFW)! — Retired army officer Shane…

BIDEN LAWN PARTY! Pro-Palestinian Protesters SWARM Joe’s Delaware Home

BIDEN LAWN PARTY (protest)! Pro-Palestinian protesters…

Range Day with AWR Hawkins, Featuring Canik METE SFT & MC9

Breitbart News's AWR Hawkins show off the Canik METE SFT…

Code Pink VS Biden: Activists DISRUPT Joe’s Speech Calling for Ceasefire

CODEPINK VERSUS BIDEN! Joe Biden was interrupted at an…

GET IT TOGETHER, JOE! Biden Appears Confused During Veterans Day Ceremony

President Joe Biden appeared to be confused during a wreath…

DING DONG DITCH! Deer Sneaks Up to Doorbell Camera, Then Bolts Away

A deer was caught snooping around the doorbell camera on…

Absolutely Sick — Man Rips Posters Down of Israeli Hostages Taken by Hamas

Absolutely Sick! A man was seen ripping posters down of…


DISGUSTING! Footage from last Friday shows a giant python…