Jack Posobiec: Social Media "Fact Checkers" Are "Thin Veneer" to Control Freedom of Speech

Human Events Daily host Jack Posobiec spoke with Breitbart…

White House to Americans in Ukraine: "Leave Now"

White House press secretary Jen Psaki on Monday told Americans…

Charlie Kirk Discusses Pushing Back Against Woke Companies at America Fest

Turning Point Founder Charlie Kirk sits down with Breitbart…

Rep.Donalds: Left's Anti-Police Agenda 'Has Blown Up Not Just in Their Faces, but Everybody's Faces'

Breitbart News’ Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow discusses…

Posobiec: Conservative Staffers Are Essential for the Next Administration: "Personnel Is Policy"

Jack Posobiec, host of Human Events Daily, discussed with…

Rep. Andy Biggs: Gun Control "Ship Has Sailed" — Any Bad Guy Can Get a Gun, Anywhere

Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) told Breitbart News's AWR Hawkins…

Former Planned Parenthood Worker Regrets Her Own Abortion: "There Was No Comfort for Me"

Sylvia Blakely, a former Planned Parenthood worker, spoke…

Jack Posobiec: We Need Conservatives in Politics Who Understand "What Point in the Movie We're In"

Jack Posobiec, host of Human Events Daily, spoke with Breitbart's…

AWR Hawkins Talks with Gov. Kristi Noem About Why the 2A Is Important

Breitbart News' AWR Hawkins talks with Gov. Kristi Noem…

Dr. James Lindsay Discusses CRT Leaders, Supporters, and Goals at AmericaFest

Dr. James Lindsay, founder of New Discourses, discusses…