Philly Trump Supporter Believes People Are Ignoring Fraud “Just to Get Trump Out”
Cole, a Pennsylvania resident protesting in Philadelphia…

Leftists Chant “F*ck Donald Trump” in Front of City Hall in Philly
After Joe Biden was announced president-elect by the media,…

Philly GOP Poll Watcher: “What I Saw Was Disturbing;” Process Seemed Set Up
During a Trump campaign presser Saturday in Philadelphia,…

Lewandowski Shows Evidence of Dead Voter in PA:”This is Hard Evidence,” Media Need to “Do Your Jobs”
During a Trump campaign press conference in Philadelphia,…

Philly GOP Poll Watcher: This Election “Was Not Fair at All;” “We Were Kept Away from Everything”
During a Trump campaign press conference Saturday in Philadelphia,…

Trump: We Can’t Let “Corrupt” Detroit, Philadelphia “Engineer” Our Presidential Election
President Trump warned Thursday at a White House press…

Trump: The American People “Know What’s Happening;” “I’ve Never Seen Such Spirit”
"We will not allow the corruption to steal such an important…

Nancy Pelosi Declares Joe Biden “Clear” Winner: “I Am So Officially Pleased with the Outcome”
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi celebrated Joe Biden as the…