Trump Issues Message to Seniors: “My Favorite People in the World”
President Donald Trump reached out to senior Americans…

Mike Pence to Kamala Harris: “Stop Playing Politics with People’s Lives”
"The fact that you continue to undermine public confidence…

Pence: Biden’s Covid-19 Plan “Looks a Little Bit Like Plagiarism”
Vice President Mike Pence claimed that former Vice President…

Kamala Repeatedly Dodges Pence’s Question: “Are You and Joe Biden Going to Pack the Court?”
Democrat vice presidential candidate Sen. Kamala Harris…

Democrat Trump Supporter: I’ll Risk Getting COVID-19 Again to Vote in Person
Kevin, a Democrat Trump supporter, told Breitbart News's…

Trump Supporter Outside Walter Reed Hospital: “We Brought a Trump Rally to Him”
"Trump has been giving us rallies basically four, five…

Trump Supporter: “No Way” Should Virus Delay ACB Confirmation
Karen, a Trump supporter from Maryland, shared her reaction…

“Stupid Woman!” — Angry Man Interrupts Trump Supporter Outside Walter Reed
A man interrupted a Trump supporter outside of Walter Reed…

Trump Supporter to Agitator: “You’re Bringing the Hate,” Not Trump
Ron, a Trump supporter from Maryland, confronted an anti-Trump…