Pro-Lifers Arrested Outside D.C. Planned Parenthood for Sidewalk Chalking
"This is our constitutional right, this is public property,…

Fox News’ John Roberts: Is ‘Net Effect’ of Trump’s Election Delay Tweet ‘to Cast Doubt’ on Results?
Fox News White House correspondent John Roberts asked President…

Jim Jordan Spars with Dr. Fauci: Govt. Is Stopping Church, Business, but Not Protests?
Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) grills Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation's…

Donald Trump: Mass-Mail Voting Will Be a Disaster, ‘The Media Knows This’
President Donald Trump warned that mass-scale voting will…

Trump: Mass-Mail Voting Could Delay Election Results by Weeks, Months, Even Years of Litigation
President Donald Trump cited several recent news articles…

Reporter Speculates Herman Cain Contracted Coronavirus at Trump Rally
White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany eulogized…

Kayleigh McEnany: Even ABC-CBS-WaPo Admit Risk of Mass-Mail Voting Fraud
During a White House press conference Friday, press secretary…

Kayleigh McEnany: Workers Losing Unemployment Benefits Should Call Pelosi, Schumer’s Offices
White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany blamed Democrat…

Kayleigh McEnany: Democrats Were Obsessed with Impeachment While Trump Admin Handled Early Pandemic
White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany, Friday during…