‘Back the Blue’ Demonstrator: BLM Isn’t Consistent on Whether All Black Lives Matter
"I would say to [BLM members] that... In all actuality,…

‘Back the Blue’ Activist: Consider the Defenseless Before You Call for Defunding Police
A "Back the Blue" activist told Breitbart News's Matthew…

Former Officer: You’re ‘Crazy’ if You Think Defunding Police Won’t Lead to Rise in Rapes, Abductions
"[Does defunding police mean] less patrol cars out there?…

‘Back the Blue’ Activist Slams White Liberals, BLM
"[Black Lives Matter] is a hate group, just like Antifa.…

‘A Cop Makes an Error, It Means a Funeral’ — Former Cop Explains How His Job Differs from Others
During his speech at a 'Back the Blue' rally Saturday,…

Rev. James Nelson:I’m Thankful for President Who Won’t Tell Me I’m Not Black if I Don’t Vote for Him
"I am personally thankful when I get up in the morning,…

Judge Cheryl Allen: ‘We Don’t Need to Take a Knee. We Need to Get Down on Both Knees’ Praying to God
"In this season, we don't need pandering. We don't need…

Judge Cheryl Allen: Black Lives Matter ‘Should Advocate for the Defunding of Planned Parenthood’
"If Black Lives Matter is really serious about black lives,…

Josh Hawley Proposes to Keep Bases Named After Confederate Generals, End ‘Historical Revisionism’
Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) announced during a Senate floor…