Furloughed Ohioan: ‘Cure Is Going to Be Worse than the Disease’ If We Don’t Get Back to Work
"I've never been unemployed or furloughed in my entire…

‘Liberate Minnesota’ Organizer: We ‘Don’t Subscribe’ to the MSM Narratives
“All [the media] want to do is this Kumbaya stuff about…

Trump: Bat at Heart of Virus Origin Theory Is ‘40 Miles Away’
President Trump seemed to suggest he leaned toward the…

Trump: Country with Most Deaths in the World ‘Has to Be China’
President Trump told the press on Friday that he's convinced…

Trump: ‘Payroll Tax Cut Would Be a Tremendous Incentive for this Country’
President Trump touted a payroll tax cut as one of the…

Woman Brings Pig to ‘Liberate Minnesota’ Protest: ‘Don’t Mess With the Food Supply’
“I want America to be free. I want Minnesota to be free.…

Minnesota Small Business Owner: This Shutdown ‘Will Be the End of Us’
Small businesses will die if Minnesota’s shutdown does…

Minnesotan Protester Accuses Governor Walz of Playing Politics
“[Minnesota Democrat Gov. Tim Walz] just joined five…

Minnesota Resort Owner: I Will Lose My Business and Home if Stay-at-Home Order Remains
"Northern Minnesota is all tourism based. We're all interrelated.…