Biden Has CREEPIEST Excuse Ever for Why He Sounds Sick

Biden just had the CREEPIEST excuse ever for why he sounded…

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We are proud to announce the launch of Epoch TV! Epoch…

Feminist Pro-Lifer: Pro-Abortion Men "Especially" Try to Silence Us, "Cover Our Signs" at Rallies

Kristin Turner, Communication Director for the Progressive…

James O’Keefe Responds to New Twitter Policy

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The Left’s Freakout Over Abortion Is Coming | @Stu Does America

Stu Burguiere has never quite understood The Left's passion…

CAUGHT ON CAMERA: Media STALKED Rittenhouse Jurors | @LevinTV

It's a STUNNING revelation: NBC producers stalked the Rittenhouse…

Pro-Life Atheist: Democrat Elites Need to Realize "Average Democrats" Want Abortion Restrictions

Herb Geraghty, Executive Director of Rehumanize International,…

Joe Biden: "Who’s President? Fauci"

President Joe Biden praised Dr. Anthony Fauci on Thursday,…

Reasons to Be CAUTIOUSLY OPTIMISTIC in SCOTUS Overturning Roe | The News & Why It Matters | Ep 916

As the possibility of the Supreme Court overturning Roe…

AWR Hawkins Reviews a Pistol Disguised as a Smartphone

Breitbart News's AWR Hawkins shows off a concealed carry…