Sweet Spot: How Modern Foods Are KILLING Us with Mikhaila Peterson | You Are Here
Elijah and Sydney discuss how the food pushed in current…

Joe Biden Justifies Leftist Protests Against Manchin and Sinema as "Part of the Process"
President Joe Biden appeared indifferent on Monday after…

Skateboarder Vandalizes George Floyd Statue in New York
A skateboarder was caught on camera splashing grey paint…

The Truth Behind Critical Race Theory | Official Trailer | CounterCulture
⭕️ Watch the full episode👉 https://ept.ms/CC_CriticalRaceTheory

The Dark Origins of Communism Ep. 5: Destroying the Soul | Epoch Cinema
⭕️Watch the full episode👉 https://ept.ms/DarkOriginsOfCommunismEP5

TOMORROW 8PM #ExposePfizer

Glenn Beck: Joe Biden Will Fundamentally Transform America | Stu Does America
“I don’t think they care, they are just going to keep…

Mark Levin: Democrats Are Spending Like Drunken Marxists
Why do American Marxists whine so much? “I want you…