Ted Cruz Just Made the Best Case for the Second Amendment You’ll Ever Hear

Sen. Ted Cruz just made the best case for the Second Amendment…

Biden’s First Big Speech Gave DIRE WARNINGS You May’ve Missed | The Glenn Beck Program

President Biden's first joint address to Congress was the…

Is Biden Using His BORING Speech to Hide RADICAL Ideas? | The News & Why It Matters | Ep 769

President Biden gave his speech to Congress last night,…

USA Today Rewrites Stacy Abrams “Boycott Georgia” Column To Give Her Cover

USA Today rewrites Stacy Abrams column so that her calls…

Sick Leftists Laugh at Hotel Worker Having a Breakdown | Slightly Offens*ve

After a mentally disturbed Holiday Inn worker was bullied…

Mark Levin SHREDS Biden’s Radical First Address to Congress

Following America's Liar-In-Chief's first joint address…

Tim Scott’s Rebuttal to Biden’s State of the Union Is What All Of America Needs To See

Following Biden's speech Senator Tim Scott delivered a…

Tim Scott Responds to Joe Biden: “Hear Me Clearly, America Is Not a Racist Country”

Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) on Wednesday delivered the Republican…

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi Holds Weekly Briefing (04/29/21)

Warning: this is a live and unedited stream. SOUR…

Sen. Tim Scott Closes GOP Response Quoting Worship Song

Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC), who delivered the Republican response…