Josh Hawley National Firearms Registry “Very Real and Distinct Possibility” Because of Democrats
Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) asked Amy Swearer, Senior Legal…

The Left Race To Paint a Narrative With the Boulder Shooting – Here Are the FACTS | Stu Does America
We always say to learn... and then vote. Learn... and then…

2A Advocate: The Left Wants to “Defund the Police” But a Firearm Makes Me “My Own First Responder”
Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) asked Second Amendment advocate…

Rep. Devin Nunes: Biden “Doesn’t Have to Be Compromised” by China Because “They Know He’s a Joke”
China knows President Joe Biden is a “joke” and an…

Lauren Boebert: Democrats Seek to Use Language to Control the Narrative, Shape Perception
Democrats seek to use language to control the narrative…

Dave Bossie: RNC Will Not Depend on Establishment Media Outlets for Future Presidential Debates
David Bossie, a veteran conservative operative and president…

Chad Prather: All Lives (Still) Matter
Chad Prather says if #BlackLivesMatter, #HispanicLivesMatter,…

Will IDENTITY of Colorado Shooter Change DEMS’ Narrative? | The News & Why It Matters | Ep 742
A tragic shooting took place in Boulder, Colorado at a…

Is Dr. Fauci the New Dr. Seuss? | Pat Gray Unleashed
A new children's book is being released about Dr. Fauci…

President Trump congratulates Veritas on win in defamation lawsuit Project Veritas v New York Times
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