Glenn Beck Explains Why HYPERINFLATION May Occur Thanks to Blue States in Lockdown

Perhaps surprisingly, analysis of blue vs. red states during…

Will $1.9 Trillion COVID ‘Relief’ Bill TANK the Dollar? | The News & Why It Matters | Ep 731

The Senate passed the $1.9 trillion stimulus package over…

Vernon Jones on Joining GOP: “Independent-Thinking Black Men Like Me” Not Welcome in Democrat Party

Former Georgia Rep. Vernon Jones (R) condemned the Democrat…

Stacey Abrams: The Woman Trying to Destroy America’s Voting System | LevinTV

When Stacey Abrams ran for Governor of Georgia and lost,…

YIKES: Press Sec. Admits Putting Kids in Cages Is a “Policy Decision”

After spending weeks telling reporters that Biden detaining…

Meet the Most Controversial Rapper in America | Slightly Offens*ve

Mega viral rap star, Tom MacDonald, discusses his biggest…

Glenn Beck and Bill O’Reilly on Biden’s US Border ‘PANDEMONIUM’

It's been six weeks of Joe Biden's presidency, so Bill…

What MSM Is REALLY About: Brags COVID ‘Really Good for Ratings’ | The News & Why It Matters | Ep 730

The CEO of CNN's parent company was caught saying COVID-19…

How Green is ‘Green Energy’?

Wind turbine blades can't be recycled and are piling up…