Joe Biden Calls for Unity in Inaugural Speech While Demonizing Fellow Americans
President Joe Biden delivered his inaugural speech Wednesday,…

Biden Supporters Ignore Social Distancing Guidelines While Celebrating Joe Biden Inauguration
Attendees of Joe Biden’s inauguration ignored social…

Right After Being Inaugurated, Biden Carries Out His “First Act as President”
Right after being inaugurated, Joe Biden wasted no time…

Mark Levin: Don’t Let MSM Tyrants Shut Down YOUR Free Speech
Mark Levin asks: What do ISIS, Insurrection, violence,…

Trump Delivers an EPIC Final Speech as President of the United States
President Trump just delivered his final speech as President…

Donald Trump Leaves Washington, DC: ‘Goodbye. I Love You. We’ll Be Back in Some Form’
President Donald Trump bid farewell to staff and supporters…

Libs DEMONIZING National Guard Members Who Voted for Trump | The News & Why It Matters | Ep 698
Democratic Congressman Steve Cohen says that any National…

Rabbi Declares Joe Biden ‘Our Moses,’ and Kamala Harris ‘Our Aaron’
Rabbi Michael Beals of Wilmington, Delaware, compared President-elect…

Trump Releases Farewell Video Address in Last Moments as President
President Donald Trump just released his farewell video…

Chuck Schumer: “Trump Should Never Be Allowed to Run for Office Ever Again”
During an opening address on the Senate floor Tuesday,…