Trump Supporters Chant “Lock Her Up” in Response to Ilhan Omar’s Alleged Ballet Harvesting Operation

"Frankly, harvesting [ballots] is terrible, but that's…

Trump on Continued Shutdowns: Dems “More Interested in Politics” Than People’s Lives

During a rally in Duluth, Minnesota, Wednesday night, President…

Donald Trump: Chris Wallace Protecting Joe Biden for Fox News

President Donald Trump on Wednesday called out Fox News…

Kamala Harris: Trump and GOP Have Decided to Ignore Ginsburg’s ‘Final Wish’

Democrat vice presidential nominee Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA)…

Civil War: The Left’s Election-Night War Game | Glenn TV

The Left has big plans for this election, and we could…

America Expected DRAMA at the First Debate, and They Got It! | The News & Why It Matters | Ep 631

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Joe Biden Claims His Son Did Not Receive $3.5M from Wife of Former Moscow Mayor

Former Vice President Joe Biden claimed during the first…

Donald Trump Jr. Explains Why His Dad MUST Use An “Aggressive” Tone During Debates | Glenn Beck

Donald Trump Jr., the son to President Trump, gives his…

Comey on Russia Collusion Probe: In Retrospect I Wouldn’t Have Signed Carter Page FISA Warrants

Former FBI Director James Comey testifies on the Russia…

Biden Ditches Bernie Bros: Distances Self from Medicare for All, Police Defunding, & Green New Deal

Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden broke with Sen.…