Philly Trump Supporter Believes People Are Ignoring Fraud “Just to Get Trump Out”

Cole, a Pennsylvania resident protesting in Philadelphia…

Leftists Chant “F*ck Donald Trump” in Front of City Hall in Philly

After Joe Biden was announced president-elect by the media,…

Philly GOP Poll Watcher: “What I Saw Was Disturbing;” Process Seemed Set Up

During a Trump campaign presser Saturday in Philadelphia,…

Biden Declares Victory, Why 70 Million Trump Voters Will Not Accept The Outcome

Biden Declares Victory, Why 70 Million Trump Voters Will…

Lewandowski Shows Evidence of Dead Voter in PA:”This is Hard Evidence,” Media Need to “Do Your Jobs”

During a Trump campaign press conference in Philadelphia,…

Bucks County, PA Board of Elections Director Tom Freitag CONFIRMS Spoiled Ballots Illegally Handled

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Philly GOP Poll Watcher: This Election “Was Not Fair at All;” “We Were Kept Away from Everything”

During a Trump campaign press conference Saturday in Philadelphia,…