Happy Holidays from the Teachers Unions

www.theprojectveritas.com NJ Teachers Unions brag about…

Teachers Unions Gone Wild – Father Joe

www.theprojectveritas.com NJEA makes disparaging comment…

Top Union Official Caught on Tape Discussing Voter Fraud

www.theprojectveritas.com Top Official at NJEA (New Jersey…

Teachers Unions Gone Wild – Volume II

NJ Superintendent caught covering up n-word incident in…

Teachers Unions Gone Wild – Volume I

www.theprojectveritas.com NJEA Union Teachers call black…

James O’Keefe on G.K. Chesterton and “The Free Press”

"Video courtesy of American Chesterton Society and Doug…

Preview: Maxine Waters, OneUnited Bank Hidden Camera Investigation

Hidden Camera Investigation of Congresswoman Maxine Waters…

Undercover Census Fraud Investigation – Louisiana

2010 Census supervisors in Louisiana systematically encourage…

Undercover Census Fraud Investigation – New Jersey

2010 Census supervisors in NJ systematically encourage…

ACORN: LA Story Program for Torture Victims Part I

South Central Los Angeles, Lavelle Stewart talks about…