CNN Staffer Admits Racial Bias – Part 2 Newsletter:…

CNN Staffer Admits Racial Bias – Part 1…

PART 1: CNN Insider Blows Whistle on Network President Jeff Zucker’s Personal Vendetta Against POTUS

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BREAKING: Project Veritas announces CNN Insider release

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Apple/Google Bow To Chinese and Pull HK Maps App

Apple on Thursday removed, from its online store, a smartphone…

John McAfee Warns Us on MSM and Big Tech (One-on-One Interview)

John McAfee discusses mainstream media and social media…

Twitter executive is British Army ‘psyops’ soldier

Head of editorial for MENA is part-time officer in the…

Is the Trump Whistleblower Really a Whistleblower? (ft. John Kiriakou & Thomas Drake)

Discussing the whistleblower at the center of the Trump…

Reality Check: California’s New Vaccine Law Puts Kids In Danger

The new law in California which bans medical exemptions…

Facts About California’s Mandatory Vaccine Law (SB 276 2019)

We take a look into California's newly passed mandatory…