Asian Cop Wins Ultimate Stare-Down Against ‘BHAZ’ Protester

When a Black Lives Matter activist stared down a petite…

D.C. Protester to Black Cop: ‘You’re a B*tch A** [N-Word], Keep Sucking that White Man’s D*ck’

On Tuesday, a protester, standing blocks away from where…

Black Police Officer Lectures White Protester About Racism

A black Metropolitan Police Department officer lectured…

Protesters Congratulate ‘Criminal’ D.C. Police for ‘Stealing’ ‘Sh*t We Pissed On’

D.C. protesters harassed police officers near the White…

‘BHAZ’ Protester Demands Right to Talk About His Genitalia: ‘Don’t Be D*ck Shaming Me!’

“Her shirt say ‘my body, not yours’. Don’t tell…

BLM Activist Rages at Cops: ‘Everything White People Have Is Because We Gave It to You’

“You brutalize us. You don’t even see me as a person,”…

Dr. Fauci Just Blew Up CNN’s Narrative on Trump and Testing

CNN has been pushing a narrative that Trump is trying to…

‘BHAZ’ Protester Screams at Police Amid Angry Mob: ‘We Will Hug You, Show You So Much Love’

“We will hug you, show you so much love. You can just…

Mark Levin: Black Lives Matter is a MARXIST, Anarchist Movement and They Admit It!

"We are trained Marxists," is what the co-founder of Black…

My Weekend in #CHAZ (Part 2) | Slightly Offens*ve

Elijah Schaffer lived in #CHAZ for 3 days. This is his…