Screaming BLM Activist Calls for Love in Unhinged Rant
A woman scolded hopeful Trump Rally attendees on Friday…
White BLM Activist Attacks Street Preacher with Homophobic Slurs
While a street preacher called out Planned Parenthood’s…
Trump Supporter: Virus Alarmists Like Idiot Friend Who Believes Every Lie Some Guy Says at a Bar
“[Coronavirus alarmists] are like that one girlfriend…
Racism is Now a….Public Health Crisis?!? | Pat Gray Unleashed
Is racism is a medical disease now? Pat Gray reacts to…
Hispanic Conservative: Big Tech Can Ban Me, Try to Stop Me, But I’m Strong-willed in My Beliefs
“I’ve gotten a lot [of backlash] from my girlfriends,…
Mandatory Mask Order Coming to a State Near You | The News & Why It Matters | Ep 560
A new Fox News poll shows that registered voters are supporting…
Jim Acosta Has MELTDOWN Over Trump Making Fun of CNN — Press Sec. Drops the Hammer
Jim Acosta had a meltdown during a presser with President…
McEnany: Journos Need to Stop ‘Cherry-Picking Science’ When Reporting on Protests vs. Trump Rallies
White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany slammed members…
Jim Acosta: Anti-CNN Memes Shared by Trump Are ‘Fake News’ and ‘Exploiting Children’
White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany reminded CNN's…