‘Back the Blue’ Activist: Consider the Defenseless Before You Call for Defunding Police
A "Back the Blue" activist told Breitbart News's Matthew…
Former Officer: You’re ‘Crazy’ if You Think Defunding Police Won’t Lead to Rise in Rapes, Abductions
"[Does defunding police mean] less patrol cars out there?…
AOC Really Needs to Calm Down | Relatable with Allie Beth Stuckey
AOC cries "racism!" & "privilege!" and easily gets schooled…
‘Back the Blue’ Activist Slams White Liberals, BLM
"[Black Lives Matter] is a hate group, just like Antifa.…
‘A Cop Makes an Error, It Means a Funeral’ — Former Cop Explains How His Job Differs from Others
During his speech at a 'Back the Blue' rally Saturday,…
Rev. James Nelson:I’m Thankful for President Who Won’t Tell Me I’m Not Black if I Don’t Vote for Him
"I am personally thankful when I get up in the morning,…
Rudy Giuliani: Several ‘Deep State’ Indictments & Arrests are LIKELY Under Trump, Barr Team
Former Mayor of New York City, Rudy Giuliani, tells Glenn…
Seattle Protestors Take control of “Autonomous Police Free Zone” Called #CHAZ
Seattle Protestors Take control of "Autonomous Police Free…
The Media Paints a Tale of Two Protests: The ‘Peaceful’ Left vs. the ‘Violent’ Right | Wilkow
In the world of the Democrat-controlled media, rioting…