The Magnificent Obsession of Ron Paul

Ron Paul joins Kurt Wallace to discuss his new book Swords…

O’Keefe Won’t Back Down as U.S. Customs Assaults First Amendment

Border Patrol Retaliates Against James O’Keefe after…

James O’Keefe Speaks on National Review Panel

Project Veritas President James O'Keefe speaks about the…

James O’Keefe Goes Undercover in Greece During Financial Crisis

This Project Veritas video shows an unfettered view of…

Reality Check Ben Swann: Paul Brown Stadium Financing

Ben Swann explores the horrible stadium financing deal…

Ben Swann Featured on HBOs Last Week Tonight With John Oliver Low

Ben Swann Reality Check used to drive home point about…

Consider This: Truth in Media Porcfest

Truth in Media takes a look at Porcfest 2015 Learn more:…

VA Still “Dysfunctional” with “Unaccountability at Every Level” Say Insiders Caught on Hidden Cam

In a new James O’Keefe video doctors, staffers, and a…

Hidden Camera: Politicians Cash In On Export-Import Bank

In new James O’Keefe video Congressional staffer says…

Project Veritas Video Plays Key Role in Prompting Congressional Hearing

Project Veritas Video Plays Key Role in Prompting House…