South Carolina Medicaid Irish Terrorist Investigation

25 members of Irish Republican Army get medicaid assistance…

Ohio Medicaid Russian Drug Smuggling Investigation

Two men posing as wealthy Russian Drug Smugglers get told…

NPR Muslim Brotherhood Investigation Part III

NPR Senior Director admits George Soros' Open Society Foundation…

NPR Muslim Brotherhood Investigation Part II

Senior Director of NPR Betsy Liley says she may be able…

NPR Muslim Brotherhood Investigation Part I

Senior Executives at NPR meet with Muslim Brotherhood Front…

Happy Holidays from the Teachers Unions NJ Teachers Unions brag about…

Teachers Unions Gone Wild – Father Joe NJEA makes disparaging comment…

Top Union Official Caught on Tape Discussing Voter Fraud Top Official at NJEA (New Jersey…

Teachers Unions Gone Wild – Volume II

NJ Superintendent caught covering up n-word incident in…

Teachers Unions Gone Wild – Volume I NJEA Union Teachers call black…