Reality Check: U.S. About to Use Military Force for Regime Change in Venezuela?

Is the U.S. military under the Trump administration about…

Ben Swann ON: FBI Recruitment Numbers At Lowest In A Decade

Ben Swann explains why FBI recruitment numbers have fallen…

Facebook Insider Leaks Docs; Explains “Deboosting” “Troll Report” & Political Targeting in Interview

Be Brave. Do Something: See…

Ben Swann ON: Judge Rules Epstein Plea Deal Was Illegal

Sex crimes and allegations have dominated headlines with…

TEASER: Facebook Insider Speaks Out — “Everyone’s expected to not talk about these things”

Facebook insider speaks out... hate speech, censorship,…

Ben Swann ON: Arizona Scraps Massive DNA Collection Bill After Backlash

A bill to collect DNA and allow Arizona state agencies…

Ben Swann ON: Why Chase Bank’s JPM Coin is Not Cypto

JPMorgan Chase has become the first US bank to test its…

Ben Swann ON: Huawei Says That U.S. Will Not Crush Their Business

Following US Vice President Mike Pence and Secretary of…

Ben Swann ON: Facebook and CNN working together to censor pages?

CNN, Facebook and U.S. funded German Marshall are working…