James O’Keefe

James O’Keefe Talks Journalism With Legendary Undercover Reporter Clarence Jones

Clarence Jones, a legendary undercover reporter, sits with…

Rush Limbaugh: American Pravda “Will Inspire You.”

From the Rush Limbaugh Show, January 26 2018. Buy the…

Michelle Malkin: James O’Keefe has Gathered an Incredible Group of Citizen Journalists

Investigative journalist, political commentator, syndicated…

James O’Keefe at National Press Club: Journalism is an Activity, Not An Identity

James O'Keefe speaks at the "American Pravda" book launch…

American Pravda Book Launch Party in DC

James O'Keefe and Project Veritas celebrate the launch…

UPDATE From Federal Court on Democracy Partners Lawsuit

James O'Keefe steps out of Federal Court in Washington…

James O’Keefe Speech – American Pravda NYC Book Launch

James O'Keefe talks to supporters and members of the media…

Twitter Bans Users Under Pressure From Their Foreign Governments

Another Project Veritas undercover investigation has revealed…

James O’Keefe on Hannity – January 15, 2018

Sean Hannity had James O'Keefe on Fox News to discuss the…