James O’Keefe

James O’Keefe Goes Undercover in Greece During Financial Crisis

This Project Veritas video shows an unfettered view of…

VA Still “Dysfunctional” with “Unaccountability at Every Level” Say Insiders Caught on Hidden Cam

In a new James O’Keefe video doctors, staffers, and a…

Hidden Camera: Politicians Cash In On Export-Import Bank

In new James O’Keefe video Congressional staffer says…

Project Veritas Video Plays Key Role in Prompting Congressional Hearing

Project Veritas Video Plays Key Role in Prompting House…

Hidden Camera: VA Director says VA Turning Veterans into Drug Addicts

Hidden Camera: Senior Veterans Administration official…

Uniformed TSA Agent Caught Drinking While Driving

Here's a troubling new video showing a uniformed TSA Agent…

James O’Keefe Interviews Ardent Defender of 1st Amendment

Project Veritas President James O’Keefe Interviews Former…

New O’Keefe Video Shows Support for ISIS, Hamas & Hezbollah Across California

Professors, Administrators, and Students Pledge Economic…

Miami’s ABC 10 Retracts Incorrect Statement About James O’Keefe

Project Veritas Communications Director Dan Pollack demanded…